Monday, December 20, 2010

Dah kenapa?


Heyya mates. hows xmas preparation?
got my Streamyx back
thanks to brader yang lupa pasang wayar talipon kat rumah ni
dan makaseyh kepada brader yang tolong pasangkan semula.

anyhow.. plan asalnya nak pergi cari baju kemeja
utk ke kelas rabu ni di Parkson malam ni,
tapi apa kan daya..
nampaknya baju yang sama jugalah ke kelas rabu ni.
why Parkson? sebab ada voucher RM50 mama bagi. ngee!
*nak juga cerita.

bercakap pasal mama..
well its a little bit early utk wish sebenarnya
but actually it never too early and never too late.

22nd Dec 2010 - happy anniversary Ma and Pa :)

27 years rite? woah!
terfikir juga bagaimana masa saya kelak.
sebulan pun tak tahan.
sebulan?haha -ok maaf.
Back to story,
im so proud of both of you!

for Ma,
after almost 6 or 7 years been serving Selangor Gov. State
and after all you had been thru,
you deserve that beautiful tittle.
dont worry ma,
i wont use it as my asset utk mengorat anak dara orang
or even utk mencari duit.
i know im a sweet talker but still i wont use ur name
or what so ever to do bad things.
but ill let people know when they ask me
'anak sapa la tu?', heh.
masa tu dgn bangganya i akan sebut kan ur name :)
and I always remember ur advice,
thers no shortcut to success. thanks ma..

Pa.. you always been the best in my life,
you are my idol of all.
even thou i tak dengar cakap sangat,
especially in program dan bersenam di pagi ahad? dang!
yea yea you are still my idol,
you teach me right and wrong,
you teach me how to be a man,
*even thou im still a jerk.
you teach me almost everything that i should know,
you give me hope,
you pay for my school fee,
you give me your credit card utk isi minyak and go to school,
and yet now u still understand
how much im gonna miss the green car
if you want to sell it.
thanks for your 2nd thought,
you said you want to keep it.
i smile when i drove inside my college just now,
dahla banjir. but dgn that car Pa,
i manage utk mengharungi banjir itu tanpa sebarang masalah.
*so far so good.takda parts yang tercabut lagi :P
guess what? lalu kereta Myvi dan Satria Neo,
haha saya gelak. sungguh rendah kereta mereka.
im kinda proud u got that 2nd thought utk tak jadi tukar.
Pa, with out you,
i dont think i can stand with my two feet here right now.
*yeah,im sitting on a
makaseyh Pa..

I thank and congrats both of you Ma and Pa.
sebab telah berjaya membesarkan seorang anak
yang banyak songeh, mengada, ketegaq,
but still alhamdulillah solat masih dapat jaga :P
I thank you now
because i don't know when will be the next time
i could say this words since my class kinda pack like teet!.

*I wish my parents read this*
-bercakap seorangan rupanya aku ni

OK habis bab itu. sekarang tiba bab soal hidup.

Yes you!
Thanks for everything, and sorry for other things that I've done.
Maaf mungkin mengambil masa sedikit
utk membiasakan diri
dengan tidak melihat kepada handphone selalu.
i don't want to think easily about what ever the reason is,
but i try not to think. i think i know.
ok i try not to think, so that my mind could be free of everything.
ok what am i talking about now.
I think thats it.. sudah mengelamun trying to stop.
i bet you dont like me writting about you anymore.
Saya hormat permintaan anda..

The rose is red, the violet's blue,
The honey's sweet, and so my words too!
erk.. Fine! :o

Hey hey! have a great life ahead and Happy new year!
school start soon rite? Have a good one!

abu - sweetie pie - jejaka manis -
kunci kira kira - honey mouth - stalker - pretzel -
and a jerk (:

*how sweet* ^^