Monday, June 22, 2009

to my Ma & Pa..


Its good to be a parents. They being celebrate two times a year.
well, not include any other small events.

First : Fathers & Mothers Day
Second : They own birthday

Since this year, Fathers day was in June, im taking this advantage to wish my Pa, a

HapPy Fathers Day on the past 21st June.

and to my Ma,

HapPy Birthday on this upcomming 24th June.

Your the best!!

Merci for all the things you have given to me since i was small,
the yellow owl [skarang ada dkt umh], Hot Wheels [ehem..], and other toys! green snake, almari kaca, new paint for my room, 9210i cellphone, pocket money, iPod nano, ext. harDisk, and others that i dont rmmber. but still hoping to get my own notebook. ☺

not include all the care and lo♥e that i got. thanks again Ma & Pa!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Sunday, June 7, 2009


Haha, being green today. very nice.
its the "eat² day" for me.
well, got almost everything in green around me,
green room-green car-green snake?[only God knows..]

By the way, ini akan dijadikan belog utamaku.
so..nobody is going to leave anybody.

be hapPy, good day!

Friday, June 5, 2009


thank God! at last.