Thursday, November 12, 2009

meniup habuk


hari demi hari, cutiku sudah kehabisan.
tibalah masanya utk menempuh dunia reality kembali setelah cuti sebulan.

aku benci menulis belog. tapi aku masih menulis, ape hal?
business bekembang dan mengecut.
duit masih banyak tu je dari dulu lagi.
alhamdulillah aku berjaya khatam Ramadhan lepas.

aku akan berangkat ke Pulau Helang pada ahad ini dan berkhidmat selama 4bulan disana. OMG!
tadi aku pergi kelinik utk dicucuk. menangis-nangis dibuatnya.
tp doktor td hebat, aku kagum dgn dia.
dialah doktor paling hebat yang pernah aku jumpa selama ini.

tanganku lenguh hasil daripada suntikan tersebut,
sekaligus menjadikan alasan utk berhenti menulis disini.
hahaha, semoga belog ku kembali berabuk &
jumpa anda nuun disana dikemudian hari dgn kocek yg berisi wang yg penuh.
moga-moga diberkatiNya dan moga-moga semuanya selamat.

*ada sesiapa nak tempah cokelat di Pulau Helang?haha

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

happy hari raya!

Have a good warm Hari Raya & Sweet Śyaώal!

hahaha, esok aku raya!
moga-moga kutemui Ramadhan akan datang dalam keadaan cuti,
agar aku tidak penat berpuasa dipertengahan jalan. :P

Saturday, September 5, 2009

where now?


15 Ramadhan sudah, sejauh mana aku telah pergi?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ramadhan the first


21Ogos - Hari memperingati Al-Quds (ROQ).
22Ogos - Ramadhan de first.

target tahun ni : 1. duit daya.
2. dpt khatam Quran at least 1setengah.
3. tarawikh lengkap di masjid.saf depan![haha]
4. puasa enam.
5. dan?? dan lain-lain.

didi dah tau belog ni, so aku kene berhati-hati dgn apa yang aku tulis. ia boleh dijadikan perkataan lawan saya jika tersalah cakap di mahkamah nanti. haha, tbe je..TAHNIAH! ye didi, dgn pasangan anda. :P

Happy Ramadhan people!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day to day..

Beautiful video clip full stop

14072009 last post and today 08082009.
its been almost a month.
ramadhan in coming soon.
ahlan ya ramadhan.. [hebat aku berbicara arab ye]
in between the 14 and the 8 number,
lots of thing happen,
life just get busy and busy + busy.
dont have enough time to play online game apatah lagi bebelog.
stealing this time to write just to garnish this page. [garnish?]
still talking about 14-08 day. few things did change me,
1. got my new huppy! haha
2. got new bro in law.
3. got more assignment of course.
4. got involved in the march. hoho
what else? i dont rememberla.
oh yea,
5. got to be in stupid rtm T.V. show.
that will be secret on what
trying not to tell anybody, coz...
haha, funny lah that show. forget it.

well. thats what happen recently that i remember.
the best part is the number one. wahaha. very the nice phone.
thanks ma pa. i give you both credit in this blog.
so, i still need to pay half price huh? heh

[oleh kerana aku amik english sem ni, maka perlulah berkarangan]
have a good day!
"You cant change nature,
Change is nature"
-taken from a cartoon name Ratatouille.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

"Live life as it comes, from day to day"


its not easy having more than one life,
as for me, i got lots of different life.
different place i go, different identity i use
(especially names, and also attitude)

when i was in school,
my friends use to call me "Mud"

when i was in Form1,
they use to call me "moja"

and now when i was in college,
they call me "joe'y".

not include my name that my family use to call,

haha, how do i get all thoose names?
i have no idea..
what im trying to say is,
its kinda fun having lots of identity,
but its kinda hard to live with it,
as you can see at my Facebook page,
different people call me different names,
but, Facebook teach me how to synchronize all in one.
synchronize? lol.
what ever, its just fun to have it,
but you will make people confuse about it,
and thats the fun part! :P

"Live life as it comes, from day to day".
different day, different obstacle you face,
different identity needed. ngahaha!

Friday, July 10, 2009

M Joseph J


"I just wanted to say I love him so much."

This is not a special post for Michael Jackson,
but its just something that i like about.
well, its a post about him actually.

the words above is actually a part of the words spoken from her daughter, Paris Katherine.

she said;

"Ever since I was born,
Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine ...
I just wanted to say I love him so much."

and this song is one of the piece of art that were made by him. that i like..! ngahaha!

hm..he left us with a lot of questions that need to be answer,
anyway, may God bless him for what he had done.
and you are not alone, your fans are all around you Michael.

Monday, June 22, 2009

to my Ma & Pa..


Its good to be a parents. They being celebrate two times a year.
well, not include any other small events.

First : Fathers & Mothers Day
Second : They own birthday

Since this year, Fathers day was in June, im taking this advantage to wish my Pa, a

HapPy Fathers Day on the past 21st June.

and to my Ma,

HapPy Birthday on this upcomming 24th June.

Your the best!!

Merci for all the things you have given to me since i was small,
the yellow owl [skarang ada dkt umh], Hot Wheels [ehem..], and other toys! green snake, almari kaca, new paint for my room, 9210i cellphone, pocket money, iPod nano, ext. harDisk, and others that i dont rmmber. but still hoping to get my own notebook. ☺

not include all the care and lo♥e that i got. thanks again Ma & Pa!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Sunday, June 7, 2009


Haha, being green today. very nice.
its the "eat² day" for me.
well, got almost everything in green around me,
green room-green car-green snake?[only God knows..]

By the way, ini akan dijadikan belog utamaku.
so..nobody is going to leave anybody.

be hapPy, good day!

Friday, June 5, 2009


thank God! at last.