Its good to be a parents. They being celebrate two times a year.
well, not include any other small events.
First : Fathers & Mothers Day
Second : They own birthday
Since this year, Fathers day was in June, im taking this advantage to wish my Pa, a
● HapPy Fathers Day ● on the past 21st June.
and to my Ma,
● HapPy Birthday ● on this upcomming 24th June.
Your the best!!
Merci for all the things you have given to me since i was small,
the yellow owl [skarang ada dkt umh], Hot Wheels [ehem..], and other toys! green snake, almari kaca, new paint for my room, 9210i cellphone, pocket money, iPod nano, ext. harDisk, and others that i dont rmmber. but still hoping to get my own notebook. ☺
not include all the care and lo♥e that i got. thanks again Ma & Pa!