Hey, baca kembali semua post-post yang lepas,
saya pun tak larat nak baca dan tak terbaca.
sebabnya ianya sejarah,
blog merupakan tempat dimana saya menulis dengan hanya berfikiran sekali.
Okay, this is life. life ain't hard, it just ain't that easy.
No matter how many ppl around me that makes me feel down,
I just can stand back up with my chin high. Lol.
But theres one thing that always makes me fail,
and that one thing will never fade and never leave me.
That is the only one thing that can make me feel..
Weak, Depressed, Lonely, and start to thing a lot of things.
Its my broken heart. Yes it is.
Im dying slowly, maybe it;s time for me to do so.
I've start retiring for all those things, Im living alone now,
U know what ppl say, lot of friends, u might not die alone,
well im on the other way round.
Its just what u get, what goes around, comes around. So, so.
May God bless ya people. Be good & be safe.